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We Are A 501(c)(3)

Make a donation today and help others create lasting wilderness adventure memories! Your contribution remains local and is appreciated by our community.

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Deductibility of Charitable Contributions

Refuge Wilderness Adventures is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization registered in the United States. EIN: 87-4699282 This means that donations made to Refuge Wilderness Adventures may be tax-deductible for the donor to the extent allowed by law. However, it is essential to note that tax laws and regulations can change, and the deductibility of charitable contributions may be subject to specific restrictions based on the donor's individual circumstances.

We recommend that donors consult with their tax advisors or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to determine the exact tax benefits of their contributions to Refuge Wilderness Adventures. We cannot provide legal or tax advice, and the information provided here is for general informational purposes only.

Who We Are

Get to know more about us. We started this not-for-profite recently, but our passion for the outdoors began decades ago.

Venmo Donations

You can easily make donations through Venmo. Scan this QR code with your phone.

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Your donation helps others make memories...

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We Are a 501(c)(3)

We're an official not-for-profit charity so your donations are tax deducible (always check with your tax professional about deducting donations).

EIN: 87-4699282

Copyright © 2025 Refuge Wilderness Adventures, all rights reserved